Our Founder - Sir Robert Stanes
Sir Robert Stanes, the founder of the School was a planter in Coonoor, where he owned vast areas of Coffee Estates. The main reason for him to come to Coimbatore was that it was easier for him to cure his coffee produce in Coimbatore than undertaking a long journey by bullock cart to Cochin, which was at that time, the nearest coffee curing centre.
The main attraction which Coimbatore held for Sir Robert Stanes was its salubrious climate at that point of time. He found it the perfect equivalent of Manchester in England. This in turn gave him the idea to start a Textile Mill in Coimbatore - which he did. This mill is the forerunner to the huge Textile Industry of world repute which Coimbatore has today.
On one of his visits to England, he had a deeply relegious experience after which he became "relegious as well as charitable". He did a lot for the people of Coimbatore and Nilgiris. His attention to detail and diligency, with which he performed whatever was asked of him, earned him the Kaiser - i - Hind Medal from the British Empire.
It is under the Guidance of this towering personality that this School started its life and he was a person who evinced keen interest in its growth. And this keen interest continues to be evinced by all the Members of the Governing Board, the Principal and Staff of this school to make it the illustrious institution which it is today.